Friday, November 4, 2011

I am slacking, but what kind of procrastinator would I be if I didn't

So soon I plan to start posting true hero stories on a regular basis.  I want to share the stories of our marines and their families and what it is really like to live the military life.  Most people know it is tough, some think it's ideal, and yet others think it is so far from their reality that it doesn't affect them.  I want to share personal stories, some may be hard to read, hard to believe, or hard to imagine, but they are reality.  They are the day to day lives of real people, and without them we would not live the lives we have.  So you can be anti violence, anti guns, or even anti military but if you felt closer to those affected most I'm sure you would have a change of heart.  I know first hand since I used to fit all of those categories.  But I have learned soldiers are just ordinary people like you and me.  And their families work harder than any others to make the life you know as normal, well, normal.  My story will come next, please follow.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When I've had a rough day or few days, I sometimes remember this song from my teenage years, and the lyrics stay true to me.  I feel better in just remembering that things will get better and everything happens for a reason.  We can't always explain what happens in life but we can learn to deal and try again tomorrow.

Tomorrow's another day

I don't want to let my life fly by
Do you ever stop, stop to wonder why?

And time flies by
When everything is ok
It just turns out that life ain't that way
Big decisions overwhelm me and I know
nothing's free

When I don't think of, think about much
People die and we don't know why
I could use some understanding
Human contact, sign that contract

I don't want to let my life fly by
Did you ever stop to wonder why-ever stop to
wonder, wonder why?

And time stands still when no one understands you
When you don't quite understand yourself
But just know this that God is faithful
Even if you don't have faith yourself

There's nothing quite like being sure of
What's inside your heart
It's mostly simple but not so easy
To know just where to start

Today didn't have to be this way
Tomorrow is another day
Another chance to make things right
A chance to make sense of last night

A chance to fully live your life
I don't want to, I don't want to, you don't want to

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Today I reached out to a wounded warrior

So today I was at a bar called Heroz on base when I saw a guy with an eye patch.  Normal people would give a long stare then run away but for me it was so different.  I knew this guy.  Not personally, not by first name, but by nametape.  As a cashier at one of the Camp Lejeune PX you see many a thing, unfortunately for me not a lot to be super excited about.  But as he walked into our football loving, beer and cheese fried habitat, I couldn't help but wonder why.  He was alone, wearing a wounded warriors shirt.  As he drank his pitcher of beer, I couldn't help my temptation.  I walked up and said hi!  I recognize you from the exchange.  We made jokes about how much Rockville Pike sucked and how there was no way to fix the traffic there.  I know he was at the Naval Hospital for 6 months yet don't know why, and so it still intrigues me.  I will see him tomorrow and the day after that but never ask him why, why he has that giant scar that flows into an eye patch.  And so are our everyday heros,  Giving everything they have so we can bitch about what little we got.  Thank you soldier, and even if you didn't give me your full story, I got more than I ever needed.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I thought this would be easier to figure out than it has been so far.  Technology 1, Meghan 0.  But we'll see I'll eventually figure it out.