Sunday, October 30, 2011

Today I reached out to a wounded warrior

So today I was at a bar called Heroz on base when I saw a guy with an eye patch.  Normal people would give a long stare then run away but for me it was so different.  I knew this guy.  Not personally, not by first name, but by nametape.  As a cashier at one of the Camp Lejeune PX you see many a thing, unfortunately for me not a lot to be super excited about.  But as he walked into our football loving, beer and cheese fried habitat, I couldn't help but wonder why.  He was alone, wearing a wounded warriors shirt.  As he drank his pitcher of beer, I couldn't help my temptation.  I walked up and said hi!  I recognize you from the exchange.  We made jokes about how much Rockville Pike sucked and how there was no way to fix the traffic there.  I know he was at the Naval Hospital for 6 months yet don't know why, and so it still intrigues me.  I will see him tomorrow and the day after that but never ask him why, why he has that giant scar that flows into an eye patch.  And so are our everyday heros,  Giving everything they have so we can bitch about what little we got.  Thank you soldier, and even if you didn't give me your full story, I got more than I ever needed.

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